Get 5-star reviews
for your business

Turn your happiest customers
into 5-star reviews

Generate real, authentic reviews
on several sites including...

...and several other online review sites.
If you want reviews for a site not listed,
just contact us and we will add that feature.

How it works...


Offer your customer an incentive to send a
text message to our automated number.
She then sends an SMS to get the deal.



Customer receives coupon through SMS
and is then asked to rate your business
on a scale of 1-5 with another text.

Offer an incentive to text message.
Down arrow
Customer texting


Customer is handled differently depending on her response.

Customer is happy
5 Stars

If customer is happy, we ask her
to leave a review on social media.

Customer is unhappy
1 Star

If customer is unhappy, we prompt her
to leave private feedback for you.

Send customer to social media
Get private feedback


Offer your customer an incentive to send a text message to our automated number. She then sends an SMS to get the deal.

Offer an incentive to text message.
Down arrow


Customer receives coupon through SMS and is then asked to rate your business on a scale of 1-5 with another text.

Customer texting
Down arrow


Customer is handled differently depending on her response.

Customer is happy

If customer is happy, we ask her to leave a review on social media.

5 Stars
Send customer to social media
Customer is unhappy

If customer is unhappy, we prompt her to leave private feedback for you.

1 Star
Get private feedback

Why online reviews matter

88 percent
88% say they trust online reviews as much as personal advice.
57 percent
Only 57% would choose a business with a rating of 3 stars or below.
44 percent
44% say a review must be written within the last 30 days to be relevant.
94 percent
94% say they would choose a busines with a rating of 4 stars or more.

Begin improving your reviews today.

Start Your Free Trial